Camping and Nature Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

1. Nature Head Art   (toddler and preschool)

1. Leaves
2. Sticks
3. Flowers
4. Rocks
5. Seeds
6. Glue
7. Printable from website listed above

2. Leaf Collage (Toddler and Preschool)


1. Variety of leaves
2. Construction paper to glue the leaves on
3. Glue
4. Thin paint brush

*Note: No need to wait for fall to explore leaves.

3.  3D Tent Craft    (Preschool)


1. Green construction paper for grass
2. Toothpicks
3. Marshmallows
4. Foldable tent template
5. White cardstock
6. Crayons
7. Scissors
8. Glue

Color tent template. Cut it out, and fold it on the lines. Create a tent frame out of six marshmallows and 7 toothpicks.  Cut out a rectangle from the green construction paper for the grass. Put the frame inside the tent template. Glue the bottom of the tent template to the grass.

4. Tissue Paper Fire    (both toddler and preschool)


1. White paper for base to create on
2. Craft stick 
3. Cotton ball 
4. Tissue paper in red, orange, and yellow
5. Brown construction paper for sticks
6. Glue
7. Scissors

Tear tissue paper in little pieces. Cut two long rectangles from the brown paper. Curve the corners of the rectangles. Glue the logs on the paper. Glue pieces of tissue paper on top of the logs in the shape of a fire. Add a craft stick with a cotton ball on it to represent roasting a marshmallow.

                    For a firefly craft, click on my list of noctunal animal crafts found here.

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