Toddler and Preschool Valentine's Day Crafts

1. Heart wreath with tissue paper

1. Heart shape cut out of a piece of cardstock with middle cut out
2. Paint if desire to paint cardstock first
3. Tissue paper in variety of colors
4. Glue
5. Scissors
6. Ribbon to hang it up
7. Brush to paint heart
1. Cut a heart out of white cardstock
2. Cut out the middle in a similar shape to make it into a wreath
3. Paint heart if desired.
4. Choose desired colors of tissue paper. Tear or cut small pieces of about 2 inches square. 
5. Glue the pieces around the heart shape until covered all the way around.
6. Attach ribbon to the back of the heart to hang it up.

2. Love Bug made from a paper towel tube

1. Paper towel tube cut to desired size
2. Googly eyes
3. Paint
4. Construction paper for wings and antennas
5. Glitter
6. Brushes
7. Small plates for paint
8. Ribbon
9. Glue
10. Scissors
11. Pipe cleaners for legs
12. Beads for feet
13. Pom poms for nose

Click on link above for instructions. The title is a link.

3. Craft Time: Valentine Heart Collage

1. Heart template
2. Red, pink, purple cardstock to run heart template on
3. Red, pink, purple, and white feathers
4. Valentine colored buttons and beads
5. Valentine colored pom poms
6. Valentine colored stickers, sequins, pipe cleaners and ribbon
7. Scissors
8. Glue

4.  Love Caterpillar Name Craft

   My example


1. 11 by 17 sheets of white paper
2. Red, purple, pink, dark pink, and light pink paper
3. Scissors
4. Glue
5. Markers
6. Pencil


Fold a sheet of paper over enough to draw half of a heart. Keep the paper folded while cutting out the heart. Cut out enough for each letter in the child's name as well as a bigger one for the caterpillar's head. If the child is old enough to use scissors, have him or her cut out the hearts. 

5. Valentine Paper Plate Suncatcher Craft

1. Tissue paper in variety of reds, pinks, purples, and white
2. Paper plate
3. Markers
4. Scissors
5. Contact paper


1. Fold paper plate in half. Cut heart shape out of  middle of paper plate. 
2. Cut heart shape from contact paper that is half an inch bigger all the way around than the heart shape in the paper plate. 
3. Put the sticky side of the contact paper face down on the front side of the paper plate. 
4. Tear or cut tissue paper in small pieces. Flip the paper plate over, and cover the sticky side with the tissue paper pieces. 
5. Cut one more heart from the contact paper that is the same size as the first one. Put the sticky side face down on the back side of the paper plate to cover the tissue paper.

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