Toddler and Preschool Hanukkah Crafts

1. Dreidel Garlands  

 I modified an idea from

  1. Dreidel template
  2. Watercolor paints
  3. Tape to tape the dreidels to the string
  4. Yarn
  5. Scissors   

2.  Dreidel Paper Dolls

Source of craft:


  1. Dreidel paper dolls template  
  2. Glue
  3. Scissors
  4. Yarn
  5. Felt
  6. Googly eyes
  7. Glitter glue
  8. Beads
  9. Buttons
  10. Feathers
  11. Ruler
  12. Pen/marker
Instructions: Print off one copy of the template, and use a ruler to draw a small bar or arm between each doll to connect them to each other. Then make additional copies of your original. When you cut out the dolls, be careful to avoid cutting off the arms hooking the dreidels together. Decorate each with a face and hair using whatever craft supplies you desire.


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