January 29: Toddler Storytime: Hibernation and Migration

(Reminder note: When it is time to read a story, I read the titles of three books and then display them. The children pick which one we read. The ones listed below are the ones they picked. Additional recommended titles about migration and hibernation for two to three year olds are at the bottom of this post.)

Opening song:                                                               

(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell")

We tap hola like this
We tap ho la like this
Hi-ho cherry
We tap hola like this

Continue with other verses:
We drop hola like this...
We circle hola like this...
We spin hola like this...
We toss hola like this..
We roll hola like this....
We stomp hola like this...

How do we stay warm in the winter? We put on extra layers of clothing, and we have our homes to stay in when it is especially cold. Animals have to stay warm too. To do this, some fly or swim south (migration), some hibernate, and some just adapt.

Information Text: "Animals in Fall" by Martha E. Rustad
   I just talked about the pictures briefly.

Book: "Bear Snores On" by Karma Wilson

I gave each parent a copy of the words to the song that went with the theme. 

Action chant:  In advance, I found and printed off real pictures of the animals mentioned. You can access this document here. Some of the pictures are for songs for preschool storytime.

“Hibernation and Migration Rap”

(In the winter, some animals stay while others go.
If they choose to sleep the whole winter long, we call it hibernation.
If they leave to go somewhere warm, we call it migration.)

When I say bears, you say hibernate.

When I say chipmunks, you say hibernate.
Chipmunks→ Hibernate

When I say geese, you say migrate.

When I say turtles, you say hibernate.

When I say butterflies, you say migrate.

When I say bees, you say migrate.

When I say blue whales, you say migrate.

Movement song: 

Dance with me around the room (The children and parents stand up and line up behind me. I use an oatmeal container as a drum.):
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, kick, kick
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, spin, spin
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, hop, hop
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, fly, fly
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, walk sideways, walk sideways
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, walk backwards, walk backwards
Repeat first 2 all the way back to your spot

Book: "Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit" by Il Sung Na

Movement song: Toddlers use a scarf to act out the steps. Babies are held by the parent and lifted up and down.

"Elevator Song"        
(Tune: "Do Your Ears Hang Low")

Oh, the city is great and the city is grand (Stand up, and spread your arms out.)
There are lots of tall buildings    (Reach way up high.)
On a little piece of land.             (Bend your knees to make yourself small.)
We live way up on the fifty-seventh floor  (Throw scarf in air.)
And this is what we do
When we go out the door
Take the elevator up, take the elevator down (3 times) (Lift baby/scarf up, lower baby/scarf down)
Then we spin around (spin around)

Movement song using shakers:  I used some of the other pictures in the document linked above.

“Mr. Snake”
(Tune: "Frere Jacques")

Are you resting, are you resting? 
Mr. Snake, Mr. Snake. 
All the snow is falling,
It’s very cold.
Try not to move, try not to move

Repeat with Mr. Raccoon, Mr. Skunk, Mr. Fish, and Mr. Squirrel

*This is a song about animals that rest in the winter but do not actually hibernate.

Goodbye Song:
(Tune: "The Farmer in the Dell")

We tap adios like this
We tap adios like this
Hi-ho cherry
We tap adios like this

Continue with other verses:

We drop adios like this...
We circle adios like this...
We spin adios like this...
We toss adios like this...
We roll adios like this...
We stomp adios like this...

Craft Time: Choice between Duck Migration Scene or Monarch Butterfly Migration Scene

           My examples

Materials for duck scene:

1. Blue construction paper
2. Rule to draw V shape
3. Pencil to draw V shape
5. Crayons or markers
6. Glue

Preparation required in advance:
1. Draw V shape on blue construction paper using a ruler
2. Cut out ducks (Each child needs 12. Ask coworkers to help cut some.)

Materials for duck scene:

1. White 11 by 17 paper
4. Scissors
5. Markers
6. Glue

Preparation required in advance:
1. Run the tree template on 11 by 17 paper
2. Cut out butterflies. (Ask coworkers to help cut out some.)

*All photos are with parental permission.

I always let the children pick which three books I read from the ones I bring with me. These are some additional suggested books that the children didn't pick:

1. "Winter Dance" by Marion Dane Bauer
2. "Hedge Hog" by Ashlyn Anstee
3 "Sleepover with Beatrice and Bear" by Monica Carnesi
4. "Sleep Tight, Little Bear" by Britta Teckentrup
5. "Go Home, Little One!" by Cate James
6. "Bear Can't Sleep" by Karma Wilson
7. "Don't Wake up the Bear!" by Marjorie Dennis Murray
8. "When Will It Snow?" by Kathryn White
9. "Time to Sleep" by Denise Fleming

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