We tap hola like this
Hi-ho cherry
We tap hola like this
Continue with other verses:
We drop hola like this...
We circle hola like this...
We spin hola like this...
We toss hola like this...
We roll hola like this...
Talked about Halloween coming in one week
One thing we can pretend to be is a monster
Are monsters real? No
Letter Mm and its sound
Found it on the Alphabet chart
Talked about things that start with Mm
Made lowercase m in the air
Book: "Good Night Goon" by Michael Rex

Shaker and movement song: We sing the whole song in English and then change a few words to Spanish. (I put five clipart drawings of monsters on the floor.)
“5 Little Monsters”
5 little monsters/cinco pequeño monstruos sleeping in my bed/cama
1 crawled out from under my spread.
I called to Mama and Mama said,
"No more monsters sleeping in your bed!"
Four little monsters/cuatro pequeño monstruos sleeping in my bed/cama
1 crawled out from under my spread.
I called to Mama and Mama said,
"No more monsters sleeping in your bed!"
Three little monsters/tres pequeño monstruos sleeping in my bed/ cama
1 crawled out from under my spread.
I called to Mama and Mama said,
"No more monsters sleeping in your bed!"
Two little monsters/dos pequeño monstruos sleeping in my bed/cama
1 crawled out from under my spread.
I called to Mama and Mama said,
"No more monsters sleeping in your bed!"
One little monster/un pequeño monstruo sleeping in my bed/cama
1 crawled out from under my spread.
I called to Mama and Mama said,
"No more monsters sleeping in your bed!"
No little monsters/No pequeño monstruos sleeping in my cama
None are crawling out from under my spread
I called to Mama and Mama said,
"There are no more monsters, so go to bed!"

Action Song: We sing the whole song in English and then change a few words to Spanish.
“If You Are a Monster”
(Tune: " If You're Happy, and You Know It"
If you're a monster and you know it, wave your arms/brazos.
If you're a monster and you know it, wave your arms/brazos
If you're a monster and you know, then your arms/brazos will surely show it.
If you're a monster and you know it, wave your arms/brazos.
If you're a monster and you know it, show your claws/garras.
If you're a monster and you know it, show your garras.
If you're a monster and you know, then your claws/garras will surely show it.
If you're a monster and you know it, show your garras.
If you're a monster and you know it, gnash your teeth/dientes.
If you're a monster and you know it, gnash your teeth/dientes.
If you're a monster and you know, then your teeth/dientes will surely show it.
If you're a monster and you know it, show your teeth/dientes.
Continue with:
...stomp your feet (stomp your pies)
...growl and roar (gruñido y rugido)
Book: "Unlike Other Monsters" by Audrey Vernick

Goodbye song: (Tune: "The Farmer in the Dell")
We tap adios like this
We tap adios like this
Hi-ho cherry
We tap adios like this
Continue with other verses:
We drop adios like this...
We circle adios like this...
We spin adios like this...
We toss adios like this...
We roll adios like this...
Craft Time:
Modeled both the Mm page and the craft before the children starting working on them
The children each completed a dot page for letter Mm. You can find these dot pages here.
Monster hand using foam for claws, yarn for hair, beans and lentils for warts and bumps, and googly eyes
Children could use any color of construction paper for the skin and background color and any color of yarn for hair
Option not shown: children could use kraft edgers to cut out their hand print before gluing on another color of paper
I let the children pick which three books I read from the ones I bring with me. These are some additional suggested books that the children didn't pick:
"If You're a Monster and You Know It" by Rebecca and Ed Emberley
"The Very Worst Monster" by Pat Hutchins
"Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendack