Toddler and Preschool Summer Crafts

1. Summer Tree with Bubble Wrap Printing            (Toddler and Preschool)


1. White construction paper
2. Watercolor paints for ground, sky, and trunk
3. Bubble wrap to print leaves
4. Template for the tree
5. Green tempera paint for leaves
6. Paper plate for green paint

2.  Sand Dollar Craft                       (Toddler and Preschool)

     Modified from

1. 6 inch plates
2. Lima Beans
3. Black marker for holes
4. Sand dollar template
5. Sand for border
6. Glue
7. Pencil for tracing

*Note: Print off template, and trace onto plates in advance.

3. Summer Tree with Cotton Ball Painted Leaves            (Preschool)

1. Green tempera paint
2. Cotton balls
3. Tree template
4. Blue construction paper for background
5. Butterfly and flower sequins
6. Green construction paper for grass
7. Brown construction paper to run tree template on
8. Scissors
9. Glue sticks
10. Markers

Preparation in advance:
Print off tree template, and make copies on brown construction paper.

4. Beach Collage                  (Preschool) 

1. Foam boards from Dollar Tree
2. Sand
3. Shells from Dollar Tree
4. Round glass gems from Dollar Tree
5. Glitter Glue
6. Pencil
7. Tacky Glue

First trace the child's hand in the center of the foam sheet. Then fill outline with glue. Cover the glue with sand. Pour off extra sand. Then surround hand with desired shells, gems, etc.

5. Flip Flops Craft                                            (Preschool)

1. White cardstock or cardboard from a cereal box
2. Pipe cleaners in a variety of colors
3. Pony beads in a variety of colors
4. Flip flop template
5. Scissors 
6. Glue gun
7. Hole punch

*Preparation in advance: 
Shrink the template down to a few different sizes of shoe. Provide copies of each size.

Bottom side of shoes

1. Select size of template. The child can do one or two shoes. Cut out template(s).
2. Use hole punch to punch out indicated circles on sole of flip flop.
3. Select color of pipe cleaner. Cut it in half. 
4. Fold over a one inch segment on one end. Insert this end into one of the two holes in the middle of the shoe. 
5. Hold this end in place while inserting the other end in the top hole. Cut the length of pipe cleaner shorter as needed, and fold over a one inch segment on the other end of the pipe cleaner.
6. Repeat with the other half of the pipe cleaner. 
7. Remove the pipe cleaner pieces from the soles. 
8. String as many beads on the pipe cleaners as desired.
9. Place the pipe cleaners back in the holes, and glue them in place on the bottom of the shoe.

6. Popsicle Craft                              (Toddler and Preschool)

The left one is made with pieces of tissue paper; the
 right one has been painted with watercolor paints.
1. Craft sticks
3. Watercolor paints
4. Tissue paper in a variety of colors
5. Glue stick
6. Scissors
7. Glue gun or tacky glue 
8. White cardstock

1. Print popsicle template on white cardstock,
2. Cut out one popsicle template.
3. Paint it with watercolor paints, or cover it with
small pieces of tissue paper.
4. Glue a craft stick to the back of it using tacky glue or a glue gun.

7. Beach Scene Craft               (Toddler and Preschool)

Preschool Craft: Water and sand cut out of construction paper
1. Beach clip art
2. Light blue construction paper for background
3. Yellow construction paper for sun
4. Green construction paper for leaves on tree
5. Blue construction paper for water
6. Light brown construction paper for sand
7. Paper towel roll for tree trunk
8. Scissors
9. Glue
10. Markers or crayons to color clip art
11. 2 inch circle template for sun

Toddler Craft: Water and sand painted
1. Beach clip art
2. Light blue construction paper for background
3. Yellow construction paper for sun
4. Blue tempera paint for ocean
5. Brown tempera paint for sand
6. White tempera paint for shore
7. Sand
8. Shells from Dollar Tree
9. Markers or crayons
10. Scissors
11. Glue stick
12. Tacky glue for shells
13. 2 inch circle template for sun

Notes for toddler craft option:
1. Let the child sprinke the sand on top of the brown paint while wet.
2. Let the child color the clip art. Then cut out the clip art, and let the child place them wherever he/she desires. If the paint is still wet, the clip art may stick without using glue.
3. Help the child put tacky glue on the shells. Let him or her place the shells where desired.

8.  Ice Cream Craft               (Preschool)

1. Six inch paper plates
2. Various colors of tissue paper
3. Brown construction paper for cone
4. Glue sticks
5. Scissors
6. Black marker or pen (optional)

1. Cut a six inch paper plate in half.
2. Each half will become a scoop of ice cream. Choose what flavor or color of tissue paper the first scoop will be.
3. Cut or tear small pieces of this tissue paper. Glue them on top of the paper plate until it is covered.
4. Repeat with the second color of tissue paper and the other half of the paper plate.
5. Cut a triangle out of a piece of brown construction paper.
6. If desired, add slanted lines.
7. Add glue to bottom of the back side of one scoop. Glue it to the top of the other scoop. Glue the top of the cone underneath the bottom scoop.

9. Shell Art                                          (Preschool)

1. White cardstock cut in half
2. Bag of shells from Dollar Tree
3. Tacky Glue
4. Googly eyes

This is similar to the leaf art you will see in my fall list. Tell the children they can make anything they would like out of shells such as their favorite animal.

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